falling slowly吉他谱

  falling slowly 曲目介绍

  爱尔兰音乐电影《Once》中的一首插曲,由爱尔兰音乐人格伦·汉塞德(Glen Hansard)和 捷克音乐女孩玛可塔·伊尔格洛娃(Marketa Irglova)创作并演唱。二人同时也是电影的男女主角,影片中在都柏林的一家乐器行里,他们第一次的共同演奏就是这首歌,格伦吉他主奏,马可塔钢琴伴奏。该歌曲获得第80届奥斯卡原创歌曲奖。

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  falling slowly吉他谱

falling slowly吉他谱falling slowly吉他谱falling slowly吉他谱

  Falling Slowly 歌词

  I don't know you

  But I want you

  All the more for that

  Words fall through me

  And always fool me

  And I can't react

  And games that never amount

  To more than they're meant

  Will play themselves out

  Take this sinking boat and point it home

  We've still got time

  Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice

  You've made it now

  Falling slowly, eyes that know me

  And I can't go back

  Moods that take me and erase me

  And I'm painted black

  Well,You have suffered enough

  And warred with yourself

  It's time that you won

  Take this sinking boat and point it home

  We've still got time

  Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice

  You've made it now

  Falling slowly sing your melody

  I'll sing along

  I paid the cost too late

  Now you're gone