amazing grace钢琴谱

  歌曲《Amazing Grace》是美国最脍炙人口的一首乡村福音歌曲,amazing grace有钢琴版的谱子,下面是为您整理的关于amazing grace钢琴谱的内容,希望对您有所帮助!

  amazing grace的钢琴谱

amazing grace钢琴谱
amazing grace钢琴谱
amazing grace钢琴谱
amazing grace钢琴谱

  amazing grace歌词


  Amazing grace! How sweet the sound!

  That saved a wretch like me!

  I once was lost but now I am found,

  Was blind but now I see.

  Was grace that taught my heart to fear

  And grace my fears relieved;

  How precious did that grace appear

  The hour I first believed!

  Through many dangers, toils, and snares,

  I have already come;

  This grace has brought me safe thus far,

  And grace will lead me home.

  The Lord has promised good to me,

  His word my hope secures;

  He will my shield and portion be,

  As long as life endures.

  Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,

  And mortal life shall cease;

  I shall possess, within the vail,

  A life of joy and peace.

  The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,

  The sun forbear to shine;

  But God, who called me here below,

  Will be forever mine.

  amazing grace歌曲介绍

  《Amazing Grace》中文翻译为《奇异恩典》,也有人称《天赐恩宠》,是美国最脍炙人口的一首乡村福音歌曲,也是全世界 基督徒都会唱的一首歌,被奉为基督教圣歌。ROV. John NEWTON作于1779年,开始是一首传统的民谣,或黑人灵歌,它表达了宗教的忠诚,其中包含着一个平淡但是极富深意的赎罪的故事,它成了基督徒每次祈祷忏悔时必唱的曲目,后来它流行越来越广,超越了宗教,成了一首真正意义上的流行歌曲,成为人们祈求和平的经典歌曲,是人民精神世界的赞歌,歌的主题和《 圣经》的主旨相符:忏悔、感恩、赎罪、重生,现在在任何庄严隆重的场合、在仪式上、在很多流行音乐唱片里、在国家级的典礼以及在美国前总统里根的葬礼上,你都能听到这首圣洁,祥和,庄重,优美的歌曲。
